Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Today's GIF

Step out - break the chain


Today's Pix


Gotta Keep In Shape

BBC play-by-play guy trying to stay sharp as he quarantines.

COVID-19 Update

Growth Factors

1.11 - World
1.19 - USA


 A running graphic - live feed - putting the world-wide current Total Case Fatality Rate at 4.69%:

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Today's GIF

COVID-19 Update

Growth Factors

1.12 World
1.23 USA

1.15 World
1.32 USA

We're on track to go over 200,000 cases in the next 3 ½ days, and 3,000 deaths the day after tomorrow.


Friday, March 27, 2020

What's In The Bill?

Imagine the temptation - TWO TRILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000,000,000.00).

The "smallest" tranche is about $450 Million, and how hard is it gonna be, really, to gin up some bullshit "company" that gets a teens-weensy little grant of $25 million or so.

We'd better have some really really really heavy scrutiny on the receipts. The gang we've got in charge is just champin' at the bit - straining for a chance to steal every dime they can fuckin' carry.

Kelsey Snell, NPR:

The Senate has passed a roughly $2 trillion coronavirus response bill intended to speed relief across the American economy. This is the third aid package from Congress and is meant to keep businesses and individuals afloat during an unprecedented freeze on the majority of American life.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., described the legislation, known as the CARES Act, as necessary emergency relief and vowed to put partisanship aside to get it done.

"No economic policy can fully end the hardship so long as the public health requires that we put so much of our commerce on ice," McConnell said in a speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday. "This isn't even a stimulus package. It is emergency relief. Emergency relief. That's what this is."

There are six main groups that would see the widest-reaching impacts: individuals, small businesses, big corporations, hospitals and public health, federal safety net, state and local governments, and education.

Deep Breath, Everybody

It's hard. Nothing but bad news and fuckups trying to blow sunshine up our skirts. But we have to try.

Breathe. Relax. Chill.

Today's Karma

Assuming god heard him pray for protection, and god could do nothing to help that preacher - god is impotent.

Assuming god heard him pray for protection, and god chose to do nothing to help that preacher - god is an asshole.

hat tip = Sam Harris

Seeing Our Immediate Future

This is NOT in place yet.

Detroit News:

Henry Ford Health System has prepared a policy for how its hospitals will determine which patients get to use ventilators should need surpass availability.

A letter circulated online Thursday said patients “will be assessed for eligibility” for ventilator support based on the extent of their symptoms, underlying health conditions and advanced directives.

That letter was in preparation for a "worst case scenario," but has not been enacted as policy, the Detroit-based five-hospital system said in a statement.

The hospital system has not reached capacity at any of its locations, nor has it reached the limit on ventilators at any of its hospitals, said Brenda Craig, vice president of the health system’s integrated communications.

“The letter is part of a larger internal document that unfortunately was shared publicly,” Craig said. “It would only be something used in a worst case scenario, and we are not in one right now at any of our hospitals.”

But remember - hospitals are traditionally very good at things like Risk Assessment and Risk Management and Contingency Planning.

And they don't waste resources on planning for things without having assigned it some fair probability of eventuation.

We're not ready for this shit, and it's probably going to get pretty fucking bad pretty fucking soon.