Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, February 13, 2012


I don't spend any real time mourning the death of any given celebrity - whether I was a fan or not.  I can feel a selfish loss because they won't be putting out anything new for me to enjoy and/or learn from and/or bitch about; and I can sympathize with their families and friends, but beyond feeling varying degrees of "disturbance in The Force", my life goes on pretty much the same.

What I don't understand is why there are so many meat puppets who seem to go outa their way looking for excuses to tell us all how stupid they are.

(at Little Green Footballs - this is not pleasant - viewer discretion is advised.)
I don’t even know what to say about this any more. There’s a real sickness running rampant in the right wing; the Fox News comment thread on Whitney Houston’s death is yet another disgusting deluge of outright racism: Singer Whitney Houston Dies at 48 | Fox News.
There are almost 5000 comments posted in the thread — these are from the first few pages. Notice that the racist bastards deliberately misspell their slurs or insert random spaces, so they aren’t caught by word filters. And many of the worst comments have numerous “likes” from other commenters.
The comments at the DumFux News site have since been scrubbed up a little.

(hat tip = Balloon Juice)

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