Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, March 05, 2012

It's Not About That

It's never about what they tell us it's about, so when a Repub says "this is about...", you know you're gonna get a load of finely shredded and heavily composted mulch dumped right on top of your pea-pickin' little head.

In a weird way, this is NOT about contraception - but it's definitely not about big bad gubmint pissing on your faith either.  It's about Repubs giving every business a chance to shitcan The Affordable Care Act for any stoopid "reason" they care to come up with over a few highballs after work.  Notice that the attempts (eg: The Blunt Amendment) are all aimed very generically at letting employers opt out of practically anything they have "a moral objection" to.  Fairly simple for the GOP to fit it in with all the other flimflam they get the rubes to swallow every time out.  To wit: "I think this is socialized medicine, and I believe it's immoral to forcibly confiscate any of my employees' hard-earned rewards in order to pay for somebody else's abortions, or whatever ".

Stick to your guns, Dems.  And somebody please tell Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to stop arguing about whatever these assholes want her to argue about and start looking for the real shit for a change.


  1. What makes you think she wants to... maybe she's more of a pro-wrestler than you think. There's one party the money party, some rodeo clowning required.
    David Farrell

    1. Possibility I reckon, but maybe she (et al) could go against the Conventional Wisdom just once in a fucking while - kinda like a normal human being might do on occasion.

    2. and the fact that she does is why its so irksome to see her pandering and arguing over something that could be settled fast if only people understood the republican record on the subject.
      (I may have just made up a new word,, awesome)

  2. Just a thought but I think it's a good one, people scrambling to get by because of an accidental pregnancy are less likely to pay attention.
    David Farrell
