Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, March 29, 2012


It won't be long now.  Of all the shitty things George Zimmerman could've done, killing Trayvon Martin's about the shittiest there is.  Unfortunately, arguing the politics of that one act of race brutality will seem like a luxury we can't afford as we're forced to confront the realities of gullibility and willful ignorance regarding issues of our environment.

Two things stand out for me.  First is the fight over water rights - with the Tourism Lobby winning out over the rice farmers (you know - those inconsequential goobers who don't really do anything except grow the fucking food).

And second is the lady who says she's worried that the water supply problems will make people less likely to come to her little town to live, and that'll push down on her property value.

Gosh - maybe public policy might actually have a real effect on real people.  Maybe all them librul eggheads up there at that college knew sumthin' after all.

Maybe guys like me shouldn't say things like, "you voted yourselves into this mess, ya stoopid fuckin' rubes - why should it be up to anybody else to help get you out of it now?"  I'm really trying to be charitable here, but damn.

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