Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Gettin' It Done - 28

The GOP has tried to blocked everything Obama's tried to do, and they've done it in their typical way.  They vote in favor of the bill, which gives them cover (nobody needs an attack ad saying they voted against trying to give people a good incentive to Serve America), but then when the budget bill comes up, they vote against funding the thing, or they vote for an amendment that cuts the funding (doing all this in committee, of course - again for the purpose of hiding their actions from public view).  Then, if it comes up later, they can point at it and say, "the president has failed to deliver on what he promised" -or- "this represented an unacceptable expansion of the nanny state and we have to make a stand somewhere blah blah blah".
28. Expanded National Service: Signed Serve America Act in 2009, which authorized a tripling of the size of AmeriCorps. Program grew 13 percent to 85,000 members across the country by 2012, when new House GOP majority refused to appropriate more funds for further expansion.
Fact remains, we need to make sure Americans have honorable ways of serving this country that don't have to involve guns and bombs, and making other people bleed and die.

And oh yeah - putting people to work for a year or two at public expense has always been very good for the economy and for neighborhoods and for people.

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