Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Gettin' It Done - 34

I'm a small c conservative on things like Defense and National Security.  I want an Intel system that knows what's going on in the world, and I want military capabilities that make it very painful for bad actors to fuck with us.  Also, I don't mind so much that the defense industry makes for a bunch of decent jobs.

Unfortunately, that's not what we've got now.  If you've paid any attention at all, you have to know what a horrendous boondoggle it's become - a lot of it anyway.  It actually kinda surprises me that the Right Radicals haven't been more snarly about Obama's moves on this subject:
34. Began Post-Post-9/11 Military Builddown: After winning agreement from congressional Republicans and Democrats in summer 2011 budget deal to reduce projected defense spending by $450 billion, proposed new DoD budget this year with cuts of that size and a new national defense strategy that would shrink ground forces from 570,000 to 490,000 over the next ten years while increasing programs in intelligence gathering and cyberwarfare.

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