Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Benghazi Gaffe

Willard stepped on his dick again at the "debate" last night when he tried to pull a gotcha on Obama regarding what the administration did or didn't say about the attack on our consulate in Benghazi; and/or when they did or didn't say it, and/or what actual words they used, and/or in what combination, and/or whatever the fuck he thinks he can get away with.

It's kind of a standard play for Repubs.  Whenever you're on the inside of The Bubble, you say whatever crazy shit you know the Party Faithful wanna hear, and then when you venture outside The Bubble, you can "correct the record" or you can say your comments were "taken out of context" etc etc; and sometimes you can just flat out lie.

If he says something to the Press Poodles (outside The Bubble) intended to make himself seem "moderate and non-threatening and mainstream", he can completely reverse himself once he's back inside The Bubble, knowing the rubes will either be unaware of what he said "out there", or totally understand that it's OK to lie to those Lamestream Media Assholes cuz they're a buncha evil Libruls, and we all know what's REALLY goin' on.  Wink wink nudge nudge say no more.

And Willard knows it works in both directions.  All you hafta do is change the phrasing a little.  It's what makes the Etch-A-Sketch imagery so dead-on.

I thought it was kinda interesting though that the Repubs ran into a bit of a major snag as they went after the Benghazi thing.  When they got to the part of the story that was all about what a horrible mess Obama made of providing security for places like the Benghazi Consulate, they suddenly remembered that a certain member of the Republican Majority in The US House of Representatives (a guy who happens to be the Veep Nominee, and who continues to pose for really stoopid photo ops btw) voted in favor of cutting $128 Million from Obama's request for Embassy Security.
It is predictable and not unreasonable for Republican nominee Mitt Romney to make an issue of the level of security at the diplomatic post. But he and his supporters are also walking a thin line, because Republicans – including Romney’s running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan – have voted to cut security funding in the budget.  (Buffalo News)

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