Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, October 04, 2012

The Debate #1 - Cont'd

More reactions.

9:33 PM — "Why aren’t both of you embracing Simpson-Bowles", the Washington beltway debate moderator asks about deficit reduction plan that no one else in the country gives a shit about. Why aren’t you licking Alan Simpson’s lesion-caked bald head, Mitt Romney? Why around you sitting on Erskine Bowles’ face right now, Barack Obama?
9:40 PM — Obama doesn’t get why Exxon Mobil gets tax breaks. (The answer is because they’re Exxon Mobil.) He also met a poor lady in Las Vegas, who does not get any tax breaks. An autistic kid, a hobo, a cooper, a barnsmith, a crackhead! President Obama meets a lot of fuck-ups on the trail.
Angry Black Lady at Balloon Juice:
Romney, who just a couple of weeks ago was caught on tape saying that he believes 47 percent of this country are moochers, spoke beautifully about how he wants to create jobs and help the middle class. But he lied. He doesn’t give a shit about the middle class and everything he has said and done up until 6 p.m. EST tonight when he tried to recreate himself as some populist people-lover proves it.
Remember how he lied about supporting the auto bailout when, in fact, he said, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt”?
Remember when Scott Walker won the recall election, and Mitt Romney claimed that Walker’s win meant Wisconsinites were tired of hiring firefighters, police officers, and teachers? And remember how Walker was all, “WTF bro?!” and Romney was all, “Wait, What’d I Say? I didn’t meant it!”
Remember how he told students to just borrow money from their parents if they wanted to start a small business?
Remember how Romney told students that they should get as much education as they can afford?
But tonight—for these 90 minutes, Mitt Romney wants you to think he feels your pain. Pffft.
Mitt Romney lied.
Tim Dickinson, Rolling Stone:
Mitt Romney turned in a polished performance in last night's presidential debate - and revealed himself to be an accomplished and unapologetic liar. In an evening where he sought to slice and dice the president with statistics, Romney baldly misrepresented his own policy prescriptions, made up numbers to fit his attacks, and buried clear contrasts with the president under heaping piles of horseshit.

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