Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, November 02, 2012

It Keeps Me Awake

If it's a clean process, Obama wins in a possibly epic landslide (on the electoral side anyway), but the pretext is being put in place now that makes it "feasible" for Willard to "pull the upset".

As Doktor Zoom explainered with an assist from Harper’s, the GOPpies are ready and able to steal every precinct that doesn’t count paper ballots by hand. As Your Editrix explained a week or whatever ago, one of only six voting machine vendors is owned by former Bain employees. (The others, per Dok’s Harper’s article, are pretty much all owned by the Koch Brothers and run by actual felons, except for the ones that are owned by Tagg Romney.) And as some former NSA analyst explained (but we didn’t post on it, because “depressed”), the way they steal your votes is by siphoning them from the largest precincts.
I hate this shit.

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