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Nov 13, 2012

What We Learned

The majority of Political Punditry since last Tuesday has been about how Romney &/or Winger Media &/or GOP Voters blew the election.  But I think what needs to be addressed here - and hammered home until it's accepted as Gospel - is that the Republican party leaders decided the core of their strategy was to make Obama a one-term POTUS.  Nothing else - just that.

It failed miserably - and why anybody has to take any time to point that out to anybody is beyond the understanding of the Swamis.  C'mon, when you lose a general election by almost 3 points and 126 Electoral Votes, you can't make any credible claims to having worked out anything that even remotely resembles good policy alternatives.

Your "policy" failed.

Your party failed.

You failed.

And when you lose the election among the various demographic subsets by 30 or 40 or 90 points, you have to acknowledge that your "policy" has been repudiated by the voters in terms of certainty greater than what we use to describe the local effects of Gravity, or to predict that the sun will rise tomorrow morning somewhere to the east of wherever the fuck we're standing right now.

So here's the thing, Mr Senate Minority Leader:  Get up off your dead brown-eyed ass and start helping.  Step up or step aside.

(hat tip = Democratic Underground)

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