May 5, 2013

Joining The Chorus

I just want to add my own bit to the crowing of "The Left" in the last few days.

Unemployment is kinda down - but down.

The Dow is way up - closing Friday at just under a new record high.

So let me say it along with everybody else who still has a couple of living brain cells rubbing together - if this Obama guy is actually a Commie Fascist hell-bent on destroying the foundations of capitalism and ending the glories of our American traditions, then he really really really sucks at it.  Get the fuck over yourselves.

Can you imagine what we could make happen around this joint if we weren't constantly fighting a political headwind manufactured by an obstructing Congress?

"Conservatives" are always going on about "burdensome regulations".  Well, guess what - the Regulators are the ones who won't let anything good happen; the ones who "stand athwart history and say, Stop!".  They're the people who deny reality by saying there's nothing to this AGW thing;  the Regulators are the ones who keep us forever chained to Saudi kings by blocking every effort to move toward renewables;  they tell us that the 2nd Amendment means ensuring Smith & Wesson's profit margin is more important than the lives of our kids. and on and on and on.

Regulators tell us that if we just cut down on spending, then spending will go up.  Honest - that's what "austerity" comes down to.  And it's no different than the bullshit they tried to peddle about how Bush's monster tax cuts would actually increase tax revenues and make everything so much better.

It's the Big Bamboozle and it has to end.  These pud-knockers are takin' a giant shit on our heads and expect us to go on saying, "Thanks for the hat."  Enough already.

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