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May 24, 2013

Rejecting The False Premise

If we're convinced that there are actual and measurable differences between "the races" then we can be more easily manipulated into going along with cynical politicians who try to put up all manner of policies that just turn out to be weird and/or silly and/or dangerous.

We see "differences" like skin color and eye shape etc, and we generalize those observations (ie: a frame is set in our minds) in a way that makes it easier for us to accept something that sounds reasonable and logical, but turns out to be a load of specious nonsense - aka Scientific Racism.

An illustration from the influential American magazine Harper's Weekly shows an alleged similarity between "Irish Iberian" and "Negro" features in contrast to the higher "Anglo-Teutonic." The accompanying caption reads "The Iberians are believed to have been originally an African race, who thousands of years ago spread themselves through Spain over Western Europe. Their remains are found in the barrows, or burying places, in sundry parts of these countries. The skulls are of low prognathous type. They came to Ireland and mixed with the natives of the South and West, who themselves are supposed to have been of low type and descendants of savages of the Stone Age, who, in consequence of isolation from the rest of the world, had never been out-competed in the healthy struggle of life, and thus made way, according to the laws of nature, for superior races."
And so we get "theories" about Miscegenation and Genetic Hygiene, and then Eugenics and The Bell Curve, and then this recent and most un-excellent crap from Jason Richwine about how immigrants are dumb and so we need to shut down immigration of "all those people" because we'll never get a good bang for the buck because dumb immigrants have dumb children so we have to do something to keep from being overrun by dumb brown people blah blah blah.

Lots of push-back of course from the usual "librul" positions, but this guy sounds like the quiet voice of reason - Merlin Chowkwanyun at The Atlantic:
But the attacks on Richwine are missing something far more insidious than neo-eugenic claims about innately inferior intelligence between races. The backlash against Richwine and Murray, after all, gives some indication that their views are widely considered beyond the respectable pale in the post- Bell Curve era. Richwine and Murray are really extreme branches of a core assumption that is much more pervasive and dangerous because it isn't necessarily racist on the surface: the belief in biological "races." This first assumption is required to get to claims like Richwine's, which argue that between Race A and Race B, differences exist (in "intelligence" or whatever else) that are grounded in the biological characteristics of the races themselves. Public outcry always greets the second Richwine-Murray-esque claim. But the first assumption required to reach it is more common and based on as shaky an intellectual foundation, even as it continues to escape equal scorn.
There is no real problem "between the races" because there is really only one race.  There are superficial differences that superficial assholes can and do exploit for political and commercial advantage.

But wait - Chowkwanyun?  Yikes, he must be one of those people.  It's clearly another Conspiracy!!!  Send me your donations right now and help me fight the onslaught!!!

And Jesus wept.

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