Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, June 17, 2013

Show Of Hands, Please

Katrina; Rita; Sandy.

Tornado season starts in March now and Wild Fire season starts in May.

Floods aren't just about heavy rain in the spring any more.

The Maldives and some of the best farm land in India and Bangladesh are disappearing.

Some significant portion of the sidewalks in Venice are now always under water...


OK, real quick - everybody who kinda figured we should be kinda expecting the kinda weird weather-related shit we've been seeing over the last 8 or 10 years, raise your hands.

Pretty good - now - everybody's who's been pretending Lord Monkton and Sarah Palin had something real to say (about anything really - but about Climate Science in particular); and anybody who claimed to have "looked at the Vostok Ice Core samples myself"...and/or stated straight up "y'know, computer modeling isn't really all that accurate - you can make those things tell you anything you wanna hear"...  All those who think it's just another game the politicians play because they're all alike, and they just wanna scare us, and those Librul Scientist fellers are all a buncha freeloadin'-looter redistributin'-Commie-Nazi-Muslim faggots who just wanna force us all to have buttsex with Al Gore... all you serious adult smart guys who are now revealed to have had your heads up your asses, raise your hands for me one time.

Thought so.

And do we wanna talk about the role of The Press Poodles for a minute?

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