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Sep 4, 2013

C'Mon Man

It seems there are people looking to the elections here in Virginia as some kind of bellwether.  Our 4-year election cycle (for Gov, LGov & AG) runs in off-years.  So as the midterm campaigns start to heat up for next year, the prognosticators and the bookies and the junkies are trying to get a read on what's to come.

(Ed Note:  They're doing the same in New Jersey, but nobody here in God's Country really cares what a buncha Yankees are foolin' with up north)

We have the usual Big-Government Moralistas on the Repub side (Ken Cuccinelli, EW Jackson, and Mark Obenshain), running against some Neo-Liberal Clintonians put up by the Dems (Terry McAuliffe, Ralph Northam, and Mark Herring).

Today's OP-Ed piece in RTD by local guru Ken Shapiro laments the possibility of a Democratic sweep, saying Cuccinelli and Jackson are poison, and only Obenshain stands a chance; and then gives us this little gem:
Among the questions: Obenshain’s election-year legislation — now law — making it harder for Virginians to vote and easier to keep secret that they carry a concealed gun. Obenshain also is harangued for a 2009 measure — later withdrawn — that would have required women report miscarriages to authorities within 24 hours.
Obenshain has made his bones in the last several years by pushing a very regressive agenda, and indulging in the kind of uber-pandering to the basest of "the base" that makes most of us more than a little nauseous, and he's the GOP's best chance to forestall this impending disaster?

BTW - if we drive some of the wackier wackos out of electoral politics, and we manage to put a bit more democracy back into the democratic process, and we make it a little easier for actual flesh-and-blood people to live a little freer - please tell me again how that qualifies as some kinda disaster(?)

BTW also too - Mark Obenshain is another political legacy puke.  See Dick Obenshain at Wikipedia

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