Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Coming Back To Haunt

When they talk about policies regarding the economy, lotsa Repubs make lotsa noise about "uncertainty", and they almost always lay it all at the feet of a dysfunctional gubmint; way too much red tape and regulations etc etc etc.

Now, when we're talking about the Repub plans to - I dunno, pick one - "starve the beast" or "shut the thing down" or "stand firm against raising the debt ceiling" or whatever - and because of all those threats we have an awful lot of the gubmint needlessly diverting hours and effort to implementing action plans for what happens if Teddy The Hostage Taker gets his way - isn't all that kinda contributing to the whole Uncertainty Thing in a pretty big way?

And don't we hafta ask who's doing the most when it comes to making our government dysfunctional in the first place?

It's a wonderment.

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