Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, October 03, 2013

The Root Of The Problem

Ted Cruz - not Senator Cruz per se - but the generic Ted Cruz kinda personifies what's wrong with this whole Radical Right movement.

Today CNN was reporting on some inside scoopy shit - saying there was a growing number of Repubs who see Cruz as having set himself up as the One True Conservative - that he thinks he's the one with the purest Republican soul - or some other fucked up verbiage that these "deliverers" always try to drape around their own shoulders.

Adam Curtis took a good look at the same kinda of thing in his documentary The Power Of Nightmares, about the rise of the Taliban and al-Qaeda and the American TheoCons etc.

And no, I'm not saying these GOP dopes are the same as... well yeah, I guess I am.  Guys like Ted Cruz are almost literally no different from somebody like Ayman Zawahri or Pol Pot or any other fart-breather who thinks leadership means having to prove your moral superiority over everybody else.  So fuck him.

Anyway, the Race To Purity is basically a process of elimination.  "Everybody's fucked up except you and me, and I've got my doubts about you."  Can you tell me honestly that's not what's been going on here?

These guys are NOT conservatives.  And they have absolutely no feeling for anybody who isn't willing to self-immolate to advance their cause.  BTW, pay close attention to the simple fact that they're not the ones wearing the vests loaded with all the C4 and ball bearings - they're always eager to send you out to do the wet work while they wait at home to watch their PayPal receipts go up after the pink mist clears.

So now I gotta wonder - who talked Ted Cruz into this?

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