Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, August 08, 2014

Today's Video

You know you're politically dead to about 60% of the country when Jon Stewart cuts you into tiny little pieces and scatters your remains to the wind.

I won't say ol' Vaginal Bob is all washed up - lord knows there's a double-digit percentage of voters with single-digit IQs who're thinking "anybody them libruls hate that much cain't be all bad".  The guy actually still has a constituency, and that makes him worth something to the GOP machine.

So he'll find his way into the Wingnut Welfare System.  My guess is that he'll drop out of sight for a while - he has to raise a shitload of money for "the defense fund" and that means he has to stay low while some of his "friends" make a shitload of money off of his need for a shitload of money (politics is as good a scam as religion in exactly that way), but mostly he needs time to reflect and to assess and to search his soul, and to find a good ghost writer for the truly inspiring story of his rise to the Governor's Mansion, and his fall (because of the wickedness of his helpmate who was tempted by the Evil One because of her lustful heart); and his time in purgatory, and his eventual redemption in the eyes of The Lord - can I get a fuckin' AMEN here, people!?!

And then he'll end up with a relatively low-profile job at one of the Lobby Shops, where he'll slave away for a few election cycles, and then suddenly pop up at one of the "conservative" circle jerks - CPAC or whatever - to take his shot at re-emerging as a viable  political player etc etc etc.

We've seen this movie a thousand times.

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