Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, September 08, 2014

Mr Oliver, If You Please

"For-Profit Education" is easily the best way for anybody totally devoid of honor to funnel public dollars into private coffers.

Wanna know what kills Capitalism?  Capitalists who are unworthy of the name, masquerading as honest entrepreneurs; demonstrating by their example that it's all but impossible to think anybody could earn a living doing anything but stealing.

Here's the letter Oliver mentions:

To Whom It May Concern:

I am [NAME HERE], a human being with [DESCRIBE AT LEAST SOME LEVEL OF SENSE] who is sick of your [SYNONYM FOR BULLSHIT]

Whatever the benefits of for-profit-schools, your trade group is protecting some of the worst actors, and [ADDITIONAL INSULTS].  [IDEAS FOR PLACES TO CRAM THIS LETTER ONCE ROLLED UP].  [PROPOSALS FOR HUMAN WASTE PRODUCTS TO BE EATEN].

Thank you for your time,


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