Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Where's The Line?

Finally - somebody gets it enough to say it.  There's a line; and the conversation we have to start insisting on having is all about trying to figure out where the line should be drawn.

There are some things that fit well into a Binary Decision Matrix.  For some things, it really is a question of Either/Or.  Nobody has to convince anybody these things are all bad and should be absolutely and forever illegal - things like Rape, Murder, Reality TV shows.  You know what I'm talkin' about.

But for most of the big ones - Guns, Abortion, Taxation, etc etc etc - the ones that generate all the heat and practically no light, there's lotsa room between one extreme and the other;  the place where that horrible-est of all horrible-ness; the thing called COMPROMISE hasta happen.

C'mon, guys.  We need to stop feeding the Trolls of the Manufactured Controversy Industry and figure some of this shit out.

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