Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

The Big Show

This wasn't an announcement so much as an attempted Product Roll-out.  But anyway, once they actually got to the point, we got all the usual bullshit. Liberty, justice and personal responsibility.

He's gonna get the economy cookin' by FREEDOM (privatization)!!!

He's gonna break the cycle of Poverty-Lousy Schools-Unemployment-&-Crime by PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY (privatization)!!!

He's gonna get the federal government under control by JUSTICE (privatization)!!!

And he's gonna Take Our Country Back!!!!!!!!!!

I slag the Press Poodles a lot.  And this crap from yesterday is a fair example of why I slag the Press Poodles a lot.  There was almost no real policy in anything Paul had to say.  There was lots of jingoism and the obligatory attempts to seem "Reaganesque" - which for Lil Randy just made him look like the standard 2-year-old wearing daddy's great big shoes.  And nobody said anything about any of that.

I don't think it's unreasonable for me to expect somebody to ask one or two obvious-as-fuck questions when these guys disgorge some of the less meaningful (ie: Content-Free) bromides that their focus group gurus feed them.

Senator Paul: "..we're going to take this country back."
Press Poodle: "Take it back from whom?  Who has it?"


Poodle: "Take the country back ... to the 1950s? - the 1890s?  the 18th century?"

In the end, what this guy wants is to take what's left of this country away from all of us and sell it to his buddies.  So he needs us to go along with the toxic notion that the Noble Rich are the only ones who worked their asses off to build this joint and so they're the only ones who deserve to cash in on it now.  Unfortunately, he's got a fuck-ton of self-loathing rubes standing in line, looking for an excuse to start turning over all the wrong tables and throwing shit thru all the wrong windows.

When there's so much money and power concentrated in so few hands, and when the rest of us are left with nothing more to lose, guess what happens.  Paraphrasing: rebellion is the language of the powerless.

We'd best be making sure we've got this thing pointed in the right direction.

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