Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Today's Tweet

This is just plain fuckin' genius.

It'd scare fuck-all outa Clarence Thomas, wouldn't it?  And it'd keep Senate amoeb-licans busy for months - especially if the White House made a show of bringing somebody in to shepherd the nominee thru the process; somebody like Alan Simpson maybe (not that he'd do it, but fuck me, that'd be fun). There's a knife-fighter out there somewhere looking for his shot at shoving something of substance up a few asses on the hill.

Half of the GOP might actually suspect that Obama's just fuckin' with 'em now and they'd  pull back a little, but ya gotta know the others would be happily scrambling to find ways to fuck her over which will let a bunch of them in for a nice little beating come November by providing some extra motivation the Dems can use to drive people out to the polls.  They'll need it to overcome the problems caused by voter ID.

Do it.

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