Mar 1, 2016

Logic Error

Thinking it's pretty amazing that we can know this with such certainty and precision.  Yay nerds - not kidding - Fucking Yay Nerds.  

It gets real easy to imagine how eager the (eg) Mayan rubes would be to confer power on the guys who could predict a solar eclipse 8 or 9 hundred years ago and who would then claim it to be their ability to discern what was on the minds of their gods.

Then I think about people today still making claims they can channel a god thru all kinds of magical mystical bullshit, and who then presume to tell us what their god wants the law to be.

I get that the Magic, the Woo, the whatever; it's about power and politics.  It always comes down to that transactional thing where I disconnect part of my living thinking brain in trade for the warm fuzzy feeling of safety within the shelter of the herd, or the arms of a protector, or whatever I get in return for my willingness to self-infantalize - and I'm right back to thinking religion really is a mental illness.

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