When you pray for something to be other than it is,
aren't you questioning god's perfect plan?
Aren't you saying god fucked up,
and he shouldn't have done what he did?
Christian: You're skydiving with a child. You've jumped from the airplane, and the kid says he won't pull his rip cord until you renounce your atheism and declare Jesus to be your lord and savior. What would you do?
Atheist: I'd do what Christians do - I'd lie my ass off to get what I want.
White nationalist John Doyle doesn't understand why he's supposed to care that multiple children were killed in Uvalde, Texas: "This is the most abominable culture in the history of the world, probably. Of course kids are going to be shot in a school."
Right-wing pastor advocating for the killing of homosexuals. Jesus and his message of love. pic.twitter.com/LDzXRziKQi— Right Wing Talk (@RWTQuotes) September 22, 2016