Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, April 08, 2016

GOP Ain't Shit

So I'm thinking there has to be something wrong with the GOP - no really, something way wronger than the usual junk we see every day.  Something fundamental.  There's a serious rot problem in the heartwood. 

They're always telling us that the only polling that counts is the polling that happens on Election Day, and we hafta let the people decide.  Well first, how come Repubs are working so hard to keep people from voting? And second, why are Repub leaders in Congress so sure the people didn't decide they wanted Obama to appoint a Justice to SCOTUS (eg) if need be? They say all these high-sounding things about democracy and then ignore the decisions people make when those decisions don't jive with GOP thinking?  If that thinking is so obviously superior, why is it so often a direct contradiction of what so many people are  telling them?  Elitist much?

Here's the kicker - Repubs and "Conservatives" (and Neo-Liberals too) love to link themselves to Business; they preach at us every day that we have to run the joint like a business; "the free market" - that magical marketplace of ideas - provides all the truly great pronouncements about quality and truth and America-ness because we're "letting the market make the call".

But it's largely an upside down bullshit little game.  People have been polling and voting in favor of (eg) Zero-Emmission Cars and Solar Energy and a Greener Planet for a coupla generations now, but the (mostly) Republicans have perverted that message and have been telling us that what we're really saying is that we want more Ford Pintos and Coal Mining Jobs and 8-Dollar Toasters.

Gotta remember that popular doesn't necessarily mean good and unpopular doesn't necessarily mean bad, but over a period of time, when millions of your "customers" are trying hard to send you the message that your product stinks because your company's been taken over by people who can't be trusted to run a high school car wash, ya gotta brighten the fuck up a little and make some changes.

That's the "Marketplace", guys - it's speaking in loud clear ways; has been for years. You can't take all that feedback and pretend forever that it doesn't say what it says.  And you can't just throw some pixie glitter in the air and wish for a whole new set of customers.

You have to make some changes.

(And BTW: let's not hear any more about "conservatism hasn't failed us, we've failed to be conservative enough".  Cut that shit out.  The Soviets sounded stoopid when they were singing their version of it in the late 80s and you don't sound any smarter now. So just stop it.)

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