Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

On To What's Next

What I'm not saying: 
☞ get over it
buck up buttercup
☞don't be such a cry-baby
why you gotta be like 'at?  

None of that shit at all. This is politics, and our hearts will get broken - probably more than once.  We all need some time to decompress and regroup,

But at some point it's gonna be like, c'mon guys, pull up your socks; check your pads; snap up your helmet straps and get back in the game. Big opportunities (and big responsibilities) are right in front of us right here right now. 

We have a Senate ripe for the picking.  There's a bushel of House seats up for grabs.  2 GOP Governors are vulnerable, as well as 5 term-limited or retiring Dem Governors.  And it could be a very long time before we get a better shot at flipping some state legislatures, not to mention tens of thousands of elective offices at the County and Municipal levels.

There are more than 500,000 elected officials in USAmerica Inc. 

This work is never done. Democracy isn't something we can afford to just dabble in. There's a shitload to do - and we need everybody's help.

1 comment:

  1. If we want leaders who act like grownups, we have to act like grownups when we vote.
