Aug 7, 2016

Fellow Travelers

I worry a little sometimes about how "the looney lefties" line up with a lot of what I'm lined up with politically - not because they're bad people and I hate making common cause with a buncha hippies, but because I'm not all in; I go out of my way not to be in lockstep with anybody; I just don't believe the "way they believe" - whatever the hell any of that means at any given moment.


That said, there is something to the bit about how "you will know them by their fellows".  You are not your friends, but there are reasons people gather together and one of the big ones is that they reflect at least some of each other's values.

So when you're talking about a Donald Trump, you can't ignore the simple fact that real live White Nationalist fuckwads are lining up behind him, itching for a nice fat slice of that power pie.  We can know a little something about him by the people he attracts to his cause. 
“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again, at the RIGHT time,” he stated. “Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!”

The dead give-away is when somebody's making a political statement and refers to any other American as "the enemy".  There are limits, guys.  And we've been past those limits before.  And going past those limits has always meant unjustly bad things for righteously decent people. Just sayin' - don't be like those assholes over there.

So they're all the same? It doesn't matter? You're just picking one corporatized automaton over another? Bullshit.

But in the end - seriously - who would you rather hang out with?  Which of these fellows would you rather be known by?

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