Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Bible Bust

I guess we should keep an eye on it, because it's possible that maybe someday, if Ken Hamm can spoof his way thru enough pigeons, he could manage to make it work, but - nah - prob'ly not.

Here's some drone footage from a fairly recent Sunday, about 30 minutes before the place opened.

Now, maybe, the good little Christians were all still at church, but it does seem there could be a bit of a problem considering the break-even number for visitors per day is estimated at about 5,600. That sounds a bit low, but never mind, because it makes no real difference when you only get 10,000 visitors on the whole of opening Weekend. Uh-oh.

Adding to the potentially fatal embarrassment, here are a few pictures I grabbed from The Ark Encounter's website:

Not what I'd called "crowded" cuz, y'know, you kinda need a crowd to be crowded.  And in case you didn't notice, in a coupla those shots, the employees outnumber the visitors - never a good sign.  

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