Oct 7, 2016


I have no real idea if DumFux News is trying to fuck up in reverse or what - like if they're doing us a favor by pulling their usual shit, believing lots of people will see their antics through the filter of tacit support for GOP candidates, which accrues to Trump's detriment - which is what they're really up to even tho' they're trying hard to look like they aren't against Trump since Trump is the GOP right now, but this shit will be over at some point and DumFux desperately needs to find a way to maintain their position and what the fuck am I even talking about now?

All the flips and turns and attempted judo shit is just too weird.

We'll see what we see I guess, but when we have almost half of the system acting like they belong in the Day Room lined up waiting for Thorazine, there's just no real way to make sense of it.

Thank the fake lord we still have The Daily Show.

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