Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It's A Wonderment

Given recent blowups regarding revelations of Mr Trump's ever-increasing Ick Factor, I got curious as to the Endorsement Scorecard, so off to Wikipedia we go.

And, ooh look - here's a snapshot of Newspaper Endorsements for 2016

In a 5-way contest, Trump finishes behind "No Endorsement" and "Not Donald Trump" and Gary (what's "a leppo"?) Johnson. Dead.Fucking.Last.

Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Not one. Not so much as the Bergen County Shoppers Guide. Nothin'.

But wait, Mike - everybody knows the Librul Media can't we trusted. What about all the others; the "real people" ?

So, I went to the Endorsements page for each candidate, and browsed around a bit, and then I employed the time-honored metric of counting the number of times I had to hit Page Down to get thru the lists - and here's my very silly little quickie recap:

Hillary Clinton = 54 pages
Donald Trump = 17 pages

There ya have it - Hillary stomps his ass by better than 3-1.

Oh yeah - maybe this is the kicker and maybe it's not, but anyway, here's the score on how many endorsements have been retracted for each of 'em:

Hillary Clinton = 0
Donald Trump = 42

Knowing how low and crass and mercenary any given politician (or pundit) can be, we know how bad the situation has to get before one of these public ho-bags admits to making a mistake and reverses course.


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