Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

The So Called President

WaPo has a bit today about 45* saying he'll blame the Press Poodles and The Judiciary if there's a terrorist attack in USAmerica Inc.
President Trump appears to be laying the groundwork to preemptively shift blame for any future terrorist attack on U.S. soil from his administration to the federal judiciary, as well as to the media.
In recent tweets, Trump personally attacked James L. Robart, a U.S. district judge in Washington state, for putting “our country in such peril” with his ruling that temporarily blocked enforcement of the administration’s ban on all refugees as well as citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States.
“If something happens blame him and the court system. People pouring in. Bad!” Trump wrote in a tweet Sunday.
Then on Monday, Trump seemed to spread that blame to include news organizations. In a speech to the U.S. Central Command, the president accused the media of failing to report on some terrorist attacks for what he implied were nefarious reasons.
First of all, the piece makes it clear that we should all know by now that this is a guy who'll do anything to duck his responsibilities.

Second, anybody in any position to know something about such things is fully aware that an attack on US soil is the proverbial "when-not-if" proposition. 

But also too, since every attack in the US in the last 15 years or so can be attributed either to homegrown assholes or other assholes who're here legally, we have to conclude the system is working well enough to have been 100% effective in keeping Bad-Apple Refugees outa this joint.  So this is a very obvious and very standard play for power.

45* knows people fall for Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc assertions all the time. He's already taken credit for the Santa Claus Rally in December, and more recently, the good jobs report from Obama's last month in office.  So he can take credit for "preventing terror attacks" if his Muslim Ban sticks, and he's setting the stage for blaming Refugees for the attack he knows is coming eventually, as well as shifting his own responsibility onto his designated enemies when it does happen.

The only question is - are there enough rubes out there willing to Etch-A-Sketch their way into accepting this bullshit? Well, if November 8, 2017 was any indication - yeah, plenty of rubes. Still plenty of rubes.

And there're plenty of Republican (and other "conservative") office-holders willing to stay quiet while Trump plays the rubes for suckers because they reap nice fat bennies too.

And they're getting plenty of inadvertent assistance from "Progressives" willing to be kept  out of the game by going along with guys like Thom Hartman as he slags the US with the generous and freedom-loving assistance of Putin's version of DumFux News, aka Russia Today.  Paralysis By Analysis works wonders on reasonable people who feel a little reluctant to jump in and offer a full-throated defense of (eg) politicians they feel are less-than-fully-honorable.

And and and

So the question is - will there be enough people willing to stand up and defend against these assholes in six or eight months when the Outrage Fatigue really starts to kick in?

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