Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Today's Tweet

Because he wasn't really running for POTUS.

It was nothing but the theatrical bombast of WWE all along. He could say anything, and not be worried about having to live up to it, because winning the White House wasn't in his script.

This is Donald Trump. He doesn't care what he says. So what if he changes his story every 10 minutes? So what if he's got the memory - and the scruples - of a fucking goldfish? That's what makes him a perfect fit for the Monster Truck Rally rubes.  Even when they recognize he's lying, they interpret it as "he's just givin' 'em a taste of their own medicine" or some shit.

And the fact that "the base" accepts and defends him no matter what, provides perfect cover for the Kleptocrats as they continue to install the Daddy State.

This is just pretty fucked up. McCain had it right - we have to get back to regular order and start doin' business again. Which means we have to find a way to remove that orange human-like substance from our midst.

(please don't take that last part as any kind of incitement to violence - we have a process that works when we make it work)

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