Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Today's Podcast

Preet Bharara's podcast - with Jeff Flake:

Flake seems like a decent and at least marginally reasonable guy, but don't mistake him for any kinda hero.

The issue of guns comes up at about 34:00, and Bharara asks him about Congress Critters voting with the NRA every time because they're afraid of what the Ammosexuals will do if they don't vote that way. Flake runs as fast as possible to the False Equivalence of a Both-Sides response, saying there're plenty of instances of members "on the left" being influenced by big money donors blah blah blah.

I think about that for a short minute and I'm left with the notion that Flake is saying it's OK for him to trade dead kids for the safety of a continued stream of campaign donations and the near-guarantee of no primary challenges.

In a very real sense, he admitted his vote against gun control is - and has always been - for sale.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure the NRA has given Jeff Flake some kind of award for protecting the poor automatic weapons.
