Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, January 14, 2018

What Was That, Anyway?

Raw Story

Donald Trump’s White House was caught completely unprepared for Saturday’s false alarm about a missile attack on Hawaii, said Politico.

The news about the potential attack “sent White House aides scrambling” as they frantically called federal agencies trying to find out what to do and how to respond, raising serious questions about their preparedness for an actual attack — nearly a year into Trump’s presidency.

“President Donald Trump’s Cabinet has yet to test formal plans for how to respond to a domestic missile attack, according to a senior administration official,” wrote Politico’s Eliana Johnson. “John Kelly, while serving as Secretary of Homeland Security through last July, planned to conduct the exercise. But he left his post to become White House chief of staff before it was conducted, and acting secretary Elaine Duke never carried it out.”

The last I heard, it took 38 minutes before Hawaiian officials got their shit together enough to go public and withdraw the warning.

38 minutes.

I get the feeling there was a buncha guys hiding in the basement waiting and checking their watches, until finally one guy says, "I didn't hear a boom - I think there woulda been a boom by now - anybody hear a boom? Anybody?"

So this is where we are now. We have a government run by assholes who apparently think it's OK to make everybody live at the broken end of the bottle all the fucking time.

Working poor - don't get too comfortable with that Medicaid. You're kids are expensive, and we've got better people to spend that money on.

Middle class - don't bitch to us about conditions and wages - we let you work here and pay you just enough to keep you from getting together and coming to our gated communities to fuck us all up.

That false alarm in Hawaii could be real next time - you'll need to trade in your Social Security and Medicare to pay even more for a military that you're required to venerate, but will never ever be used in any way that benefits anyone but multinational rentiers.

What do you mean you don't like it? This is what you voted for, dumbass - it's not like nobody told you this is what we intended to do all along.

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