Mar 31, 2018

The Mob Abides

This is Arizona state representative Eric Descheenie:

I've heard this one floating around the net, and finally decided to look it up.

Surprise surprise, it does indeed show knuckleheaded "anti-immigration" freaks letting their shit overrule whatever shriveled critical thinking skills they still retain.


The incident occurred during a chaotic, five-hour long demonstration on 25 January 2018 at the Arizona capitol building where roughly a dozen anti-immigration activists turned out to protest the social justice lobbying group Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) — though the group was there to advocate for pro-labor legislation, not immigration. Protesters alleged that LUCHA was “trying to advance social, racial and economic justice for DACA recipients, illegal aliens and their illegal families.” According to state lawmakers who were at the scene, the protesters were visibly armed.
The protesters were raggin' on Descheenie (who is of Navajo descent), questioning whether or not he was in this country legally.

A Native-American; an American Aboriginal - they needed him to be "alien"; they saw him as "alien"; so they went after him because he looked alien.

But they're not part of a racist mob looking for an excuse to satisfy their blood lust.

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