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Mar 23, 2018

Today's Sweeping Generalization

Republicans are all crooked.

Sorry not sorry.

Patrick Marley, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Dealing a setback to Gov. Scott Walker and other Republicans, a judge ruled Thursday the governor must call special elections to fill two vacant seats in the Legislature.

Walker declined to call those elections after two GOP lawmakers stepped down to join his administration in December.

His plan would have left the seats vacant for more than a year. Voters in those areas took him to court with the help of a group headed by Eric Holder, the first attorney general under Democratic President Barack Obama.

No, of course not all of them - just the ones who're in office now.

And the ones running for office.

And their donors.

And their Think Tanks

And their staffers.

And their voters.

Cuz y'know what? Seems like the decent folk have left the GOP. 

I think most Americans are fundamentally good people, so I think what's left of the GOP is whatever you get when you distill a political party down to its concentrated, extract form.

In this case, I think we can call it something like Essence of Asshole...

... or Eau DePlorable maybe.

As the Press Poodles keep insisting on being amazed at 45*'s popularity among Republicans, a couple of things may have popped up your brain.

1. Fewer Americans self-identify as Republican almost every day.

2. As the "GOP Cohort" shrinks, the percentages of that cohort who still support 45* almost have to hold steady or increase. Which means on the other side of that ledger, the "Not GOP Cohort" will increase, which accounts for a corresponding steadiness or decrease in percentages on that side.

I suck at math; and statistics flummox me to the point where I fear I'm about to have a stroke. So c'mon, guys.

Anyway, if we're going to talk about trends at all, then we have to consider the number of Shitty Things A Political Party Will Do To Stay In Power - and we get a pretty lopsided pie chart.

What we don't get is "Both Sides" and "Yeah but the Democrats".

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