Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, March 12, 2018

Today's Tweet

Lots of speculation on why 45* is going to such great lengths to shut her up, while having absolutely nothing to say about it in public.

As usual, there's a collective shrug coming from "the base". 

Because the MAGA rubes don't care about anything but ruffling Librul feathers.

And the Christo-freaks don't care because "god is using this evil man to do good things for our agenda."

And the Daddy State donors are fine with anything that keeps the Torch-n-Pitchfork mobs from forming while they loot the joint.

There's something of a consensus forming around the theory: If there's proof of adultery, then it triggers a clause in the PreNup that says Melania gets a much bigger slice of the "Trump fortune" when they split.

Which (supposedly) poses another major threat of 45* having to reveal his financial records.

So let's notice - 45* never bad-mouths Walt Putin - because we assume there's kompromat(?)

Is he staying quiet about Stormy Daniels for the same basic reason?


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