Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Shit Show

It's emerging now that Stephen Miller (to the surprise of absolutely no one) is the guy behind the Zero Tolerance bullshit being "enforced" at our borders, giving rise to a new generation of Koncentration Kamp Kids.

There's some value to the humanitarian appeals, and the fully justified scolding of chickenshit Republicans who won't even say they're somehow mildly bothered by some of this.

The problem there is that we're trying to appeal to a sense of honor that doesn't exist in the GOP anymore. 

And still, it's hard to get with the thought that they're really so callous as to ignore the plight of children altogether.

So I think I'm left with this: 

Republican policy causes pain. Not so much because they enjoy watching people suffer (although there's an element of that), but because they intend to demonstrate just how bad they're willing to make it for all of us if we step out of line and resist their Daddy State plans.

This shit has to be stopped and we do that by putting constant pressure on legislators everywhere, and then by showing up and voting these assholes out of office come November.


  1. The message is just be a good fucking German. This shit sucks.

    1. You nailed it on both points, Ming. Pretty fuckin' scary.
