Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, August 27, 2018

Today's Tweet

There simply is no depth of depravity or petty vindictiveness that 45* can't squat low enough to get under.

For my own bad self, McCain was not the star-spangled hero he's being made out to be.

The first 30 years of his life were way too typical of how an excessively privileged punk behaves.

And the last 30 weren't great either - The Keating Five, Iraq, Sarah Palin - these are not good indications of consistently sound judgement.

But he went a pretty good distance towards redemption on more than a few occasions too. He reflected on some of his positions, and made public statements about being wrong. And I'll always remember him standing up to a decidedly stoopid woman at a campaign event in 2008, telling her straight out that Obama's a decent guy - an American he happens to disagree with.

So John McCain did some good things, and in the end, we all knew he had feet of clay - just like the rest of us.

He doesn't deserve a sainthood, but he earned a damn sight better than what he's getting from Cult45.

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