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Sep 16, 2018

Both Sides My Ass

Balance is definitely the name of the game, but Press Poodles blindly insisting that there's always a middle ground is part of the whole "Tribalism" problem they love to bitch about.

What's Your Logical Fallacy?

Remember, Poodles: When one guy says it's raining, it's not your job to go find another guy who says it isn't, and then just report that they have differing views on the weather - it's your job to go look out the fucking window and tell us what's actually going on.

2 + 2 = 4. It's not 3; it's not 5 - it's not green flapjacks on a fucking doghouse - and we're not going to "compromise" at 12½.

Eric Alterman, The Nation:

As President Trump and his Republican quislings continue to undermine our democracy, the punditocracy obsesses over another apparent threat to the nation: liberal intolerance. When New Yorkereditor David Remnick disinvited former Trump strategist Steve Bannon from his magazine’s annual festival, The Wall Street Journal ran an article bemoaning the “growing list of news organizations that have reversed their decision to engage with conservatives after a public outcry.” On The New York Times’ op-ed page, ex–Journal opinion editor Bret Stephens crossed into Crazytown when he concluded that “what this really means is that Remnick is no longer the editor of The New Yorker. Twitter is.” He added that the magazine was “on the road to [becoming a] left-wing version of Fox & Friends.”

Alterman's point seems to be that the regime of "Liberal Intolerance" seems to be pretty inclusive, and that there are plenty of platforms and opportunities for the wingnuts to barf up their Daddy State bullshit, but that's a bit defensive, and ineffective - cuz, when you're explaining, you're losing

I think the point needs to be that nobody's obliged to tolerate that Daddy State bullshit.

And, of course, he kicker is that there's solid evidence that the real threat to free speech is coming from the "conservatives". 

This comes as no surprise to anyone who knows Daddy State Awareness Rule 1:

Every accusation is a confession

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