Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, September 06, 2018

The Ballz

Apparently, Sen Booker's been taking his meds regularly.

John Cornyn: If you tell people the truth about Brett Kavanaugh, we'll beat you up.

Cory Booker: Here I am, assholes - come and get me.

The Hill: (The headline's a little misleading - though marked "confidential", Grassley OK'd the release)

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) on Thursday released emails from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's time as a White House counsel, escalating a heated fight over his documents.

Booker released approximately 12 pages of emails tied to discussions Kavanaugh had on racial inequality including one email thread titled "racial profiling."

The documents are marked "committee confidential," meaning they are not supposed to be discussed or released publicly.

But the move comes after Booker said during a heated debate on Kavanaugh's third day before the Judiciary Committee that he would release the email thread.

"I am right now, before your process is finished, I am going to release the email about racial profiling, and I understand the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate," Booker said at the hearing.
And Kamala Harris is someone the GOP needs to be wary of - kinda like the way Al Capone needed to be wary of Elliot Ness.

She's fierce in a very good way. And she's a bitch in exactly the way men talk admiringly about a '67 GT500, or a P-51 - she's powerful and responsive and she'll fuck you up if you make a mistake. 

She is to be respected.

I think maybe it's time to put away all the conventional wisdom bullshit about how the Dems are always wishy-washy and fumbling around looking for excuses to beg Republicans for mercy.

Let's look at the NTY Op-Ed piece (the "Lodestar" thing); and at Susan Collins waffling on every fucking thing that staggers by; and at Lindsey Graham (aka: Huckleberry ButchMeUp - thanks, Charlie Pierce), who goes around in circles so fast he's about to disappear up his own asshole. I look at these clowns and it has to be very clear that it's the GOP that needs more than a little backbone.

And I'm no longer willing to entertain the notion of, "Well gee, the Democrats can't seem to take advantage of their openings, so they must be just as bad as those other guys".

Bullshit. You might as well call me a shitty parent for loving my kid even though he crashed the new Toyota - I'm still gonna love him and worry first that he's OK - then we can talk about how he fucked up my car, how pissed off I am about it, and what has to happen next.

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