Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

A Poem

We took a pretty big step last night, turning the House back over to the Dems, but don't forget what we're trying to do here - " form a more perfect union..."

Justin Blackburn lays out of a few things that I think we should try to keep in mind:

We're up against a very stubborn (and very natural) resistance to change.

So we stay focused and we keep fighting. We can't revert to the usual - where we automatically start whining about how the Dems didn't get us every last thing our pea-pickin' little hearts desired.

I'm not saying we have to fall in line and march lockstep towards somebody else's false dreams of utopia. Be critical; hold the Dems to account, but understand there's a difference between a healthy skeptical critique and self-destructive carping.

We can't afford to indulge ourselves in the kind of pinch-faced puritanism that requires constant bitching about Pelosi and how the Dems aren't living up to our granular expectations because really, they're just GOP Lite and blah blah blah. When we fall back into that pattern, we're doing the GOP's work for them.

Stop doin' that.

Here's the working metaphor:
When your first flight was delayed to where you missed your connection, don't stand there screaming at the poor slob at the Passenger Service counter. All you're doing is taking a giant shit on the only guy in the whole fucking airport who can do something for you.

If we wanna help, then we chop the wood and we carry the water.
If we win, we chop the wood and we carry the water.
If we lose, we chop the fucking wood and we carry the fucking water.

Tired? Feeling a little worn out and frazzled? OK, take a break. 15 minutes - then it's back to work.

We've got some pretty important shit left to do here.

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