Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Sam's Wrap-Up

Samantha Bee

And here's the graphic:

This is a weirdness of the bicameral thing built into the Constitution. Small states were supposed to get outsized representation in order to balance their power against the big states - Separation of Powers and Minority Rights and all that.

Repubs have taken it to mean they get to rule from the minority instead of governing in partnership with the majority.

I don't know how to fix it, but there's much to be done. 

And I think it's fairly obvious that we won't get anywhere without a GOP that's a shitload more honorable than what we've seen from them in the last 30 years or so.


  1. Amen Mike. And that's not going to happen unless there's some serious blowback and real consequences for dishonest fuckery.

  2. Exactly right.

    Thanks for the visit.
