Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Hoping For The Harbinger

13,000 people working for one of the largest grocery chains in New England went out on strike and began picketing a local store in Somerville MA on Friday.

Elizabeth Warren stopped in to see them - and brought some donuts and coffee.

“This is a company that made $2 billion in profits, that then got a fancy tax break in Washington from the Republicans and now wants to squeeze our workers right here in Massachusetts,” Warren told the workers. “Well, we’re not going to put up with it.”

Speaking to reporters, Warren reiterated the message that she has been campaigning on for years, that the wealthy are taking advantage of the working class. “This is the problem all across this country is that those at the top think that they can just keep sucking out every bit of profit and leave nothing for the working people, the people who actually get out there and make it happen every day,” Warren said.

“What people are asking for here is they’re just asking for fair wages, they’re asking for health care benefits and just as shot at a decent retirement,” she said.

Say whatever you want about Warren - maybe you feel the need to shit on her for being opportunistic and trying to make political points and blah blah blah.

First - she showed up. She talks about this kind of thing all the time - and she showed the fuck up.

Second - making political points is what politicians do. It's what we want them to do. It's what we pay them to do.

Third - where was that champion of the workin' guy POTUS? Anybody know? Oh yeah - golf. And why would we expect anything different from him? 

Shit - that fuckin' idiot probably can't even spell UFCW.

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