Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Whooda Thunk It

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Tex.), a lead architect of the GOP tax bill, suggested Tuesday the tax cuts may not fully pay for themselves, contradicting a promise Republicans made repeatedly while pushing the law in late 2017.

Pressed about what portion of the tax cuts were fully paid for, Brady said it was “hard to know."

“We will know in year 8, 9 or 10 what revenues it brought in to the government over time. So it’s way too early to tell,” said Brady at the Peterson Foundation’s annual Fiscal Summit in Washington D.C.

The federal government’s deficit typically shrinks during strong economic times, but the deficit is up nearly 40 percent so far this fiscal year, according to the latest Congressional Budget Office report released Friday.

Wait - ya mean opening the drain and turning off one of the spigots isn't a good way to fill a bath tub? Huh.

But let's be careful not to dismiss this - to laugh it off as another example of how stoopid some of these GOP clowns are, and how stoopid the rubes must be to go on voting for them. 

At this point, after a couple of generations of Trickle Down and Supply Side, and knowing it's all just 10 gallons of shit in a 3 gallon bucket, no one should think the Repubs are dumb enough ever to have believed it'd work the way they say it's supposed to work. These are pretty smart guys who know what they're doing.

It should be obvious to us by now that there are reasons they keep coming back to it, and the main reason almost has to be that Republicans have come to hate the very idea of democratic self-government, and everything they do is part of a plan to dismantle it in order to replace it with plutocracy.

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