Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, August 05, 2019

The Daddy State Speaks

Be sure to watch for "bless the memory of those that perished in Toledo" at about 9:45.

Maybe we can ignore the snuffling and the general demeanor of a guy who doesn't wanna do what he's doing here - but fuck, man - Toledo?

Here comes the Daddy State crackdown.

First, on everything and everyone suspected of not supporting this autocratic regime. 

Typical of how these thugs operate, they'll do exactly the opposite of what they want us to think they're saying they'll be doing. 

(yes, that last bit was complicated and convoluted - have you not but following what these assholes are always trying to do?)

So anyone expressing an opinion contrary to the hateful speech of Cult45 will themselves be condemned as "hateful". And at the very least, they'll be harassed - if not shut down completely.

Second - and I think as important - is the attempt to emphasize "the problems of video games and mental health".

This is the typical dodge so they don't have to confront one of their major benefactors - the folks at NRA who have been so helpful laundering all that Russian mob money that pours into GOP pockets.

But it's the part of that meme that's just too fucking obvious is the American chauvinism.

They can expect a huge number of Americans to ignore the obvious fact that violent video games and unaddressed mental illness do, in fact, exist in other countries. But because we never ever go anywhere - and because we know practically nothing about anything outside the US - we buy right into it.

Hear what they say, but always always always watch what they do.

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