Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Another Strong Close

Adam Schiff, Chair, House Intelligence Committee

We'll see what we see, but I still won't get my hopes up too high.

Republicans aren't coming around - not yet - not publicly. And the conventional wisdom is that they won't cut 45* loose until the political cost of staying with him becomes too great and too obvious for them to bear. Duh.

Our government is degenerate.

It's a little weird to think that way about the US. There's always an element of Daddy State philosophy in government. And always there are people who believe government is there to force us all into a particular way of thinking - not just the basics of knowing our rights and respecting each other's rights, but to use the full weight of the threat of deadly force to make people conform to the arbitrary musings of doctrinaires rather than trying to nail down a few guiding principles that give us a chance to live up to our stated goal of forming a more perfect union.

The good news is that I think we're starting to bend history's arc back towards justice.

The bad news is that we haven't passed thru this very dangerous crossroads yet.

And just to continue this little metaphor mashup - when you're going through hell, keep going.

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