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Jan 28, 2020

It Bugs Me, Man

Nothing bugs me more than when I start thinking I have to make common cause with The John Birch Society.

First, Nancy MacLean makes mention of The Liberty Amendments:

The Liberty Amendments:
  1. Term Limits - US Congress
  2. Repeal 17th amendment
  3. Term Limits - SCOTUS
  4. Federal balanced budget
  5. Move tax day to the day before election day
  6. Periodic review/re-authorization of federal departments
  7. Redefine the Commerce Clause
  8. Limit eminent domain
  9. Change the process for amending the Constitution
  10. States' nullification of federal statute or SCOTUS decision
  11. Federal Voter ID
Then I have to put my gag reflex in cold storage long enough to sit thru Mark Levin:

Just kidding - I tried to listen to Levin and there's just no fuckin' way for me to get thru it. 

I tried - honest - I did.

So instead, here's a history teacher guy - Keith Hughes (YouTuber Hip Hughes):

And then, I had to listen to Art Thompson as he rebuts:

It's the Long Game, but we're seeing it in acceleration mode now. 45* screwed up the timing, and is making it harder for the Daddy Staters to hide their hands, so a lot of them are trying to stay with it, even though they're really scared that enough of us are hip to their tricks now - that even the rubes are beginning to see the contradictions.

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