Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

This New America

We're living in a new America now - not a nation of laws, but a nation of, "make me".

"I do what I want" is our new national motto. Right and Wrong have become fungible. There's no honor in the way we're doing things.

Which is why it's the perfect atmosphere for a Donald Trump.

This is not a guy who does what's right because it's the right thing to do. And he doesn't restrain himself from doing what's wrong simply because it's wrong and people shouldn't do it.

Trump will sign on the dotted line and then have no problem reneging when it comes time to settle up.

The approach is that he'll do what he's promised to do only if his lawyers convince him that your lawyer's can force him to do it.

So notice how he's constantly going after the courts. He's trying to bring social pressure against specific judges in order to sway their decisions. 

And he's getting lots of help from Mitch McConnell, who's been very busy stacking the federal bench with ideologues who have no real function other than to find ways to agree with the Daddy Staters.

This shit gets worse until Trump is forced out of office, but then we have to concentrate on moving against the other elements of the Daddy State - which, conveniently enough, happen to be largely Republican, so we keep hammering away at the GOP until the "moderates" can get back in the saddle over there.

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