Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, September 19, 2020

COVID-19 Update

  • New Cases   51,000
  • New Deaths       958

CDC reverses controversial guidance, saying tests are for anyone who contacts someone with covid-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday reversed a heavily criticized guidance it issued last month about who should be tested for the novel coronavirus. The agency updated its recommendation to call for testing anyone — including people without symptoms — who has been in close contact with someone diagnosed with covid-19, the disease caused by the virus.

The change took place after the agency was directed last month by the White House Coronavirus Task Force to shift its testing guidance. The Task Force-directed guidance said those without symptoms "do not necessarily need a test.”

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Trump’s appointees sought to censor what government scientists said about the coronavirus, emails show 

Michael Caputo and his adviser pressed them to use White House talking points as the pandemic raged out control

Trump political appointees tried to silence a longtime top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention after she stressed the seriousness of the coronavirus, arguing her statements to a medical group contradicted those of top Trump administration officials, including Vice President Pence.

In a June 30 email, Paul Alexander, one of those appointees at the Department of Health and Human Services, excoriated Anne Schuchat, CDC principal deputy director, for remarks she made before the group affiliated with one of the nation’s leading medical journals. Schuchat, a physician, had spoken to JAMA Network the day before, saying she hoped the country could “take it seriously and slow the transmission,” adding that “we have way too much virus across the country … right now.” The emails were first reported by the New York Times.

Schuchat’s comments came as cases were surging across several southern and western states — even as the president and his top advisers were intent on reopening the country and boosting the economy. But Alexander wrote to his boss, Michael Caputo, assistant secretary for public affairs at HHS, reprimanding Schuchat and writing a seven-point takedown of her assessment.

“Her comments are in contrast to those of senior members of the Trump administration — notably Vice President Pence, who said on Friday, ‘we have made truly remarkable progress,’" Alexander wrote.

“Importantly, having the virus spread among the young and healthy is one of the methods to drive herd immunity,” Alexander added. “She is duplicitous.”

Both Caputo and Alexander are now gone. But their emails offer new insight into how they created their own power center at the agency overseeing the pandemic response and used it to censor, and even humiliate, top scientists and health officials in an effort to sideline them or make them conform to White House-sanctioned messages. The tone of the emails is often emotional and accusatory, and they put more emphasis on the political import of the messages than on their medical or scientific substance, even as the virus raged out of control.

Mis-information is the main weapon that the Daddy State uses to exert its power. It's always about power, which isn't what makes the Daddy State different.

The difference is that a Daddy Stater is interested in gaining and using power for the sake of gaining and using power. He'll always try to dress it up and make it look like Law-n-Order or National Pride or A Higher Morality, or whatever, but it's never about anyone but himself, and it's never about anything but his own perverted sense of what he thinks of as prestige.

Daddy State Awareness Rules

  • The Daddy State tells us lies as a means of demonstrating its power.
  • The lies have practically nothing to do with the subject of the lies.
  • Lying about everything is a way to condition us - to make us accept the premise that they can do anything they want ...

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