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Jun 12, 2021

Today's Today

I was a 14-year-old whitebread suburban knucklehead in 1967, blissfully ignorant of the kinda shit POC - and anyone who dared to love them - were having to put up with.

POC still have to put up with shit no one should have to put up with in 2021 - even here in USAmerica Inc.

We can say we've made some progress, and that'll have to do for right now today, but holy fuck, do we have a lotta work to do tomorrow, and everyday after that before we can stand proud and say we're being true to our stated principles.

Anyway -

Happy Loving Day everybody.

Loving Day is an annual celebration held on June 12, the anniversary of the 1967 United States Supreme Court decision Loving v. Virginia which struck down all anti-miscegenation laws remaining in sixteen U.S. states. In the United States, anti-miscegenation laws were U.S. state laws banning interracial marriage, mainly forbidding marriage between two different races, until the Warren Court ruled unanimously in 1967 that these state laws were unconstitutional. Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote in the court majority opinion that "the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual, and cannot be infringed by the State."

Loving Day is not an officially recognized holiday by the U.S. government, despite attempts to make it so. Loving Day is the biggest multiracial celebration in the United States.

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